The Eurasia Consortium Ltd was founded in 2009 by academic entrepreneurs from Oxford and Cambridge Universities to provide innovative strategic management and investment solutions for companies seeking to scale their business and/or expand into international markets. With a multinational and multilingual team, the Consortium’s companies’ competencies lie in the areas of global business development, strategic innovation, up-skilling, and the provision of internationalization and market access strategies. Since its inception, The Eurasia Consortium has grown from one UK-based firm to a truly multinational organization, with offices in the UK, Malaysia, Hanoi, and business interests in the US, United Arab Emirates, China, Brazil, Vietnam, Kenya, Malaysia, and Russia.
Estimates suggest that if current trends continue, the aggregate purchasing power of the ‘E7’ emerging economies (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Turkey) will overtake that of the G7 by 2030. And by 2020, Asia Pacific will have a larger middle class than Europe and North America combined.
The Eurasia Consortium was Born Global. Our focus is on emergent markets, by which we mean new and developing markets and also established markets in the process of systemic change. Our vision is to engage with emergent markets and become your first choice when scaling and or internationalizing your business
In 2012 and 2013, Eurasia Global (Previously known as the Eurasia Consortium) undertook two large (multi-million) consultancy projects with foreign governments where we helped develop and implement internationalization strategies for firms from Russia and Malaysia. The governments were very satisfied with the outcomes of the projects.
To support these internationalization strategies we implemented the ASIA Paradigm©. This is a step by step model we use to help develop our client’s business in target markets. The model works like this. When we meet a new client we apply a evaluate the clients business and internationalization aims using four key criteria:
Step one, involves a capabilities analysis and an assessment of product or service differentiation. Simply put we do this to ascertain if the organization has either the inherent or developed resources to achieve profitability and sustainability in new markets. Also we need to ascertain where the differentiation within the service or product actually lies. It does not to have to be disruptive but if it’s merely a `me too` business, then we’re more than likely to say no
Step two, once we are convinced that the firm is ready to `go global,` we then can develop a cost effective strategy to demonstrate the route to market and, as importantly, how the strategy will be rolled out in the target market with KPIs built into the whole process.
Step three, creating a strategy is relatively easy; executing it is far more difficult especially when the visibility of the brand in the new market is weak. Our goal is to build brand awareness and a sales pipeline thereby establishing a revenue stream within the target market in three to six-month’s time, helping to immediately offset the project’s costs
The final step, all strategies are emergent, what you started out with is not what you end up with. Strategy implementation involves constant and incremental adjustment to ensure both sustainability and profitability in new markets.