Plagiarism and Cheating Policy
1. Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s work, ideas, or intellectual property as one’s own without proper attribution or acknowledgment. This includes, but is not limited to, copying text, images, data, or ideas from sources without citation, paraphrasing without crediting the original source, and submitting someone else’s work as one’s own.
2. Applicability: This Plagiarism and Cheating Policy applies specifically to micro-credential programmes offered under Eurasia Educational Dynamics in collaboration with the College de Paris. It does not extend to non-accredited programmes or other educational initiatives conducted solely by Eurasia Educational Dynamics.
3. Prohibited Conduct:
3.1. Copying or reproducing content from any source, including print or digital materials, websites, academic papers, or other students’ work, without proper citation or acknowledgment.
3.2. Submitting assignments, projects, or assessments that are not one’s original work, either wholly or partially.
3.3. Purchasing or commissioning academic work, including essays, papers, or projects, from third-party sources and submitting them as one’s own.
3.4. Collaborating with others on individual assignments or assessments without explicit permission from the instructor or programme coordinator.
3.5. Using unauthorised aids or materials during assessments, including but not limited to notes, textbooks, electronic devices, or communication with others.
3.6. Fabricating or falsifying data, research findings, or any other information presented in academic work or assessments.
4. Consequences of Plagiarism and Cheating: Detection of plagiarism or cheating will result in disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
4.1 Assignment or assessment grade penalties, including failure or zero marks for the plagiarised work.
4.2 Formal warning or reprimand from programme administration.
4.3 Temporary suspension from the micro-credential programme.
4.4 Expulsion or dismissal from the micro-credential programme.
4.5 Revocation of micro-credential or academic credits earned.
4.6 Legal action in severe cases of academic dishonesty or fraud.
5. Prevention and Academic Integrity:
5.1. Educating delegates about the importance of academic integrity, proper citation practices, and the consequences of plagiarism and cheating.
5.2. Providing clear guidelines and expectations for academic assignments, assessments, and citations within micro-credential programmes.
5.3. Encouraging delegates to seek assistance or clarification from instructors or academic support services when in doubt about citation or academic integrity issues.
5.4. Implementing plagiarism detection tools or software to identify potential instances of plagiarism. 5.5. Promoting a culture of honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct within micro-credential programme communities.
6. Reporting and Resolution:
6.1. Any suspected cases of plagiarism or cheating within micro-credential programmes should be reported to the programme coordinator or curricular committee.
6.2. Upon receipt of a report, an investigation will be conducted to determine the validity of the allegations and the appropriate course of action.
6.3. Students accused of plagiarism or cheating will have the opportunity to respond to the allegations and provide any relevant evidence or explanations.
6.4. The outcome of the investigation and any disciplinary actions taken will be communicated to the delegates in writing.
7. Review and Revision: This Plagiarism and Cheating Policy will be periodically reviewed and revised as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and relevance to micro-credential programme academic integrity standards. Amendments or updates to the policy will be communicated to all stakeholders in a timely manner